Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010

K captured some grasshoppers and K and J observed them for about an hour this afternoon. They read about the various sources of food for grasshoppers and also what part they play in the food chain for other animals.

Today, we read Oil Spill by Melvin Berger, A stage 2 science book that talked about the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the effects of the spill on wildlife, and the various causes and methods of containment for an oil spill. After reading the book, we reviewed a map of the Gulf of Mexico and discussed the oil rig sinking and oil leak off of the Mississippi Del;ta. We talked about the spread of the oils pill and how currents, which we learned about in Paddle to the Sea, will draw the spill around Florida to its East Coast. We then talked about ways to rescue wildlife and performed a science experiment to see how dish-washing detergent repels oil. We also discussed the different methods used to try and cap or stop the continuing stream of oil under the ocean.