Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Speech Evaluation

P exhibited a moderate phonological disorder which significantly impacts intelligibility. Test results indicate deficits in articulation only. Oral structures and function are adequate for speech sound production.

Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation (GFTA-2)
Results: SS=49, %ile=2, AE= 3-0; sound-in-words subtest: errors noted in production of/s, z, ʃ, , dʒ, l, r, θ, ð/, /r/ blends, /s/ blends; substitution of /θ/ and /ð/ for /ʃ, , s, z, dʒ/; stimulatable for /r/ is good; not stimulatable for /s/; /e/ɚ/ in "gɚl"

Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis (KLPA-2)
Results: SS=70, %ile-7, AE=3-9; phonological processes used: liquid simp. (58%), deaffrication (50%), stopping (6%), cluster simp. (4%), stridency deletion occurred 17x