Saturday, January 31, 2009

Horses and Butterflies

P and K visited the Mill Creek Horse Retirement Farm and Butterfly Museum today with Aunt Shelli.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Hoggetowne Medieval Faire

Visited the Hoggetowne Medieval Faire today. P and his dad participated in a fencing tournament, which P won. P and K rode the hobby horses and looked at dioramas of medieval life. We watched demonstrations of weaving, armor-making, using weaponry, and acrobatics.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Potluck

Today was an exciting day -- we joined with people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and socio-economical position to watch the Presidential Inauguration. P was very excited, and listened to the conversations about this being an important event in many respects, not the least of which was the election of our first African-American president.

Following the live broadcast, P and K helped break down the decorations and clean up the large areas that were used for both the potluck lunch beforehand and the broadcast afterwards. They also engaged in conversation with some of the attendees about the event.

P and the new President

P said today, when I told him that we were getting a new president today, and then told him it was Obama (he knows who he is), he said, "I hope he will be a President of peace and understanding and not war anymore." How cool is that coming from a 7 year old??

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

IEP: Individual Education Plan

Today we met with the SLP, the guidance counselor & an ESE specialist to determine the amount of services that P qualifies for. He will be attending group speech therapy sessions for 30 minutes twice a week.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

NUU Years Eve

On New Years Eve, P and K participating in an arts, crafts, and activities evening. P played chess, and P and K took turns playing dress up. Crafts includes collages and making representations of themeselves by having someone draw their outlines on oversized sheets of paper which they then colored and decorated