Thursday, January 31, 2008

Math-U-See Math Manipulatives

Our new math manipulatives came in, and neither P nor K wasted any time in "playing" with them.

K started by making a cube of 100s to form a "thousand".

P created two pyramids: one in which he counted by 2s using two ones, then two twos, two threes, etc. and another in which he started with a two and went upwards by two with two, four, six, eight, ten, ten plus two, etc.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Language Arts review

Jeff and I reviewed the Sunshine State Standards for Grade Level Expectations, Kindergarten to see where P stands within them.

Here's what he is able to do for Language Arts.

Reading: Well, P first started reading at 4-1/2 years old, when he read "Ten Apples Up On Top". So, that covers much of this sub-category. He's known his alphabet since about 2 years old, and sung the A-B-C song since at least 3 years old. There were only two of the line-items we aren't confident that he knows:
  • develops vocabulary by discussing characters and events from a story.
  • supports oral and written responses with details from the informative text.

Writing: P has never been terribly interested in writing, and so this one has many more items to work on:
  • generates ideas through brainstorming, listening to text read by teacher, discussing.
  • uses basic writing formats (for example, labels, lists, notes, captions, stories, messages).
  • demonstrates ability to sequence events during shared writing exercises.
  • revises by adding details to pictures, dictation, or letters.
  • uses spelling approximations in written work.
  • uses directionality of print in writing (including but not limited to left-to-right, top-to-bottom, spacing between words).
  • identifies and attempts to use end punctuation (for example, the period, question mark, exclamation point).
  • dictates or writes with pictures or words a narrative about a familiar experience.
  • contributes ideas during a shared writing activity.
  • dictates and writes with pictures or words to record ideas and reflections.
  • dictates or writes simple informational texts (for example, descriptions, labels, lists).

Listening, Speaking, Viewing: this one confuses me. It seems to be more, "is your child able to give and receive social cues, as well as express their likes and dislikes." P most definitely does all of that.

Language: most of these are pretty standard ones, I think, in terms of sound patterns, language functions, formality, word choice, repetition, rhyme and rhythm. And then there is the one that we're not even sure we understand:
  • understands the use of alliteration.
Sure, we know what it is, but it's use? Just to look and sound good, right?

Literature: in this, we are simply not introducing books basic enough, though with an almost-3 year old in the house, I'm sure we'll see more and more of this missing genre:
  • knows rhymes, rhythms, and patterned structures in children’s text (for example, repetitive text, pattern books, nursery rhymes).

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Knights on the Plaza

The Medieval Times knights from Orlando came to the University for a display before the annual Hoggetowne Medieval Faire, and considering P's interest in all things medieval, we had to come out. It was very exciting when P actually got to feel the weight of these real weapons! He gravitated immediately toward the battle axe.

We also learned more about the long sword (espada, since the Medieval Times are apparently based on Spanish medieval knights), and its usage and ornamentation. His armor was briefly discussed, as was his long hair (P's hair was just cut!).

P noticed the "relative" simplicity of the shield, and asked to try it on -- it was heavier (and therefore stronger!) than it looked!

After examining all of the weaponry and regalry (there were also falconiers and hawk hunters there as well), we sat back and watched a brief battle exercise.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tuesday, January 29

P practices drums in the early morning, and takes part in as ensemble drum class int he afternoon at Studio Percussion.

Tuesday, January 22

P practices drums in the early morning, and takes part in as ensemble drum class (Junior Drummers) in the afternoon at Studio Percussion.

Thursday, January 3, 2008